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History of the Federation


The European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) was founded in 1955, having been proposed at a meeting of the European Convention of Chemical Technology (ECCT) held in Frankfurt on 19th May.
The meeting was chaired by Prof.Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Karl Winnacker, Chairman of DECHEMA, and the archives show that the ECCT consisted of thirty-one technical and scientific societies from nine different countries. The representation in terms of countries (and numbers of societies from each) was as follows: Austria (5), France (9), Germany (7), Italy (2), Jugoslavia (1), Luxembourg (1), Spain (1), Sweden (1) and Switzerland (4). Each society was wholly or partially concerned with the field of corrosion and from the outset the object of the Federation was to foster the work of its Member Societies.

Founder Societies of the European Federation of Corrosion


50th Anniversary

The Progress in Corrosion - The First 50 Years of the EFC (EFC 52)