EFC Presidents 1993 - 2020


1993 - 1994 Mr C.J. Bijl, The Netherlands
1995 - 1996 Prof Bernd Isecke, Germany
1997 - 1999 Prof. Pierre-Luigi Bonora, Italy
2000 - 2001 Dr. J.Philippe Berge, France
2002 - 2003 Mr. Don Harrop, United Kingdom
2004 - 2005 Prof Björn Linder, Sweden
Jan. 2006 -  Sept. 2008 Prof Michael Schütze, Germany
Sept. 2008 - Dec. 2012 Prof Philippe Marcus, France
Jan. 2013 - Dec. 2014 Prof. Lorenzo Fedrizzi, Italy
Jan. 2015 - Dec. 2016 Prof. Fatima Montemor, Portugal

Damien Féron graduated in chemical engineering at the Institute of Chemical Engineering of Toulouse in 1976 and obtained his PhD in chemical engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (1979).
Damien Féron has been nominated Professor at the INSTN (National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology) in 2010. He is Director of Research at the Nuclear Energy Division of the French alternative energies and atomic energy commission(CEA) since 2007. He is also the Deputy Head of the "Service of Corrosion" (SCCME) since 2002 at CEA-Saclay. He has been previously head of the Laboratory of Aqueous Corrosion (LECA /1998-2002) at CEA-Saclay and of the Laboratory of Physico-Chemistry and Corrosion (LPCC / 1994-1998) at CEA-Fontenay-aux-Roses, and deputy head of the Laboratory of Corrosion Technological Testing (LETC / 1985-1994) at CEA-La Hague. He is working in the field of corrosion since nearly 40 years, starting with liquid metal and moving towards aqueous media (including seawater corrosion and microbial corrosion) and more generally involved today in the various fields of nuclear corrosion (metals and alloys in aqueous and non-aqueous environments).
He owns six patents; he is the author or the co-author of around 70 articles in international scientific and technical journals and of more than 100 papers presented during national and international conferences. He has been editor or co-editor of 20 books or special issues of journals (including 9 "green books" of the EFC series), mainly in the field of microbial corrosion, seawater corrosion and nuclear corrosion.
Damien Féron has been involved in the activities of the EFC Working Party on Marine Corrosion (WP 9) and of the EFC Working Party on Microbial Corrosion (WP 10). From 2003 to the end of 2016 he chaired EFC Working Party on Nuclear Corrosion (WP4). Furthermore, he was Chairman of the EFC Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) between 2007 and 2013 and held the position of EFC Vice-President from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2016 and of EFC President from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2018.

Arjan Mol obtained his MSc degree at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the Delft University of Technology (DUT) in 1996. His MSc Thesis focused on the post-forming properties (including corrosion properties) of glass fibre-metal laminates (GLARE) after deformation processing. After this, he obtained his PhD degree in 2000 at the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Department of the DUT on the study of the effects of microstructural variations in aluminium alloy surfaces on filiform corrosion properties. He continued his career as a project- and team leader for ‘Structural lifetime of building and civil engineering structures’ for 6 years at the Dutch Applied Research Organisation TNO.
In 2006, Arjan Mol returned to DUT-MSE and now is Full Professor of ‘Corrosion Technology and Electrochemistry’. Furthermore, since 2017, he has been Honorary Professor at the University of Science and Technology Beijing USTB in China. Since 2010, Arjan Mol has also been the Dutch Representative Member of the International Corrosion Council ICC.

His specific research focus areas are:

  • Local electrochemical analysis of corrosion mechanisms;
  • Surface treatment and interfacial bonding of organic coatings on metal (oxide) surfaces;
  • Multifunctional and eco-friendly corrosion inhibitors and evaluation of active protective coatings.

Currently, he is Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s journal "Corrosion Science" and Member of the Editorial Boards of "Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology", "Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing" and "Materials and Corrosion". He is also the Chair of the EFC Working Party ‘Physico-chemical methods for Corrosion Research’ and, in the period of 2014-2016, he was the Chair of the EFC Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC).

He served as the Vice-President of the EFC in 2017-2018 and as EFC President from 2019 to 2020, and currently holds the position of EFC Past President. As such he is a Member of the Board of Administrators as since 2017.

Jörg A. Vogelsang obtained a Diploma in Chemistry in 1988 and he wrote his PhD thesis in the group of Prof. Dr. M. Hauser at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the University of Stuttgart entitled "Convolution kinetics treatment of various excimer formation mechanisms with respect to nonstationary diffusion and molecular reaction parameters" (1991). Since 1992 he has worked for Sika, firstly in Stuttgart, Germany and after 2002 in Zurich, Switzerland. In Stuttgart he was responsible for basic research in corrosion of reinforcements in concrete and corrosion protection by organic coatings.
As a founding member of the EFC Working Party Coatings he became its chairman in 1998. In parallel, he was very active in the German corrosion society GfKORR, where he was appointed as member of the Scientific Committee in 1999 and he founded also a coatings working party for GfKORR in 2000. From 2001 until 2007 he served as chairman of the Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) of the EFC.
In 2001, he was appointed as member of the scientific board of the "Karl-Winnacker" research institute of the DECHEMA e.V. and he was elected to the board of administrators of GfKORR e.V. After his move to Zurich in 2002, he created a surface and material science lab; in 2008 he was placed in charge of all analytical activities in Zurich and, since then, has coordinated Sika’s group activities in chemical analysis. In 2012, he was promoted as Corporate Head of Analytics & Testing. Since 2013, he has been an elected member of the EFC Board of Administrators (BoA) and in 2014 he commenced service as the vice president of GfKORR e.V.
He is also very active in standardization; he is member of several standardizing committees in Germany and in ISO, where he was Chair of TC35 SC9 for three terms. His special interest is the standardization of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and electrochemical methods applied to organic coatings in general. He has published more than 50 papers.
He served as the Vice-President of the EFC in 2019-2020 and as the EFC President in 2021-2022.
