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EFC Newsletter

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EFC Newsletter

August 2024

Dear Readers,

Each year, EUROCORR continues to grow and evolve, and this year is no exception as Paris promises to be the biggest yet, with over 1,000 presentations planned, alongside innovations like a career fair, meeting of Member Societies representatives, oral presentations, and a new Loyalty Programme for exhibitors and EFC Affiliate Members.
The theme this year is A Step Forward in Societal Awareness of Material Degradation Issues, and will be hosted by CEFRACOR, along with Chimie ParisTech, SFV, and DECHEMA. Europe’s biggest annual corrosion conference has doubled in size since 2016, and “only because of the enthusiasm and energy of Philippe Marcus and his team can we savour the event's special atmosphere during this Olympic summer in Paris,” explains EFC President, Tomáš Prošek in his editorial.
Celebrations aren’t confined to Paris though, as EFC has been honouring its finest contributors and young corrosionists. The Newsletter has spoken with winners of the EUROCORR Travel Grant and the EFC Young Scientist Grant, the winner of the Cavallaro Medal, and the latest Honorary Fellows, who will all be presented with their prize in Paris, while we also catch up two of your new Working Party Chairs.
The Young EFC will also be in Paris, where they will be presenting a full programme that includes their 10th annual meeting, a career fair, a 3M Plenary Lecture Competition, and the presentation of the best oral presentation awards.
And that’s not all, as there’s also space to feature details of the newest EFC Affiliate Member, two new EFC Green Books, all the latest news, and details of recent and upcoming events to save in your corrosion calendar.
All the best and please feel free to get in touch if yo
u have anything that you would like to feature in the next edition,

Dan Mobbs, London
EFC Newsletter Editor  

Previous EFC Newsletters

EFC Newsletter, August 2023
EFC Newsletter, August 2022
EFC Newsletter, September 2021


EFC e-newletter-April2024_p1

Dear Readers,

Welcome to the first edition of your EFC newsletter in 2024 and we’re in celebratory mood as we look forward to World Corrosion Awareness Day and the 44th edition of EUROCORR in Paris. "Surely, our goal must be to protect metal structures optimally, not indefinitely," explains EFC President, Tomáš Prošek in his introductory editorial, which focuses on reducing the social cost of corrosion on the global day of awareness. And this topic, among many others, will be discussed in Paris at this year’s EUROCORR conference - and we have all the latest information as the event draws closer.

There have also been exciting developments within the EFC, as we welcome five new Working Party Chairs, who have set out their vision for the future inside the Newsletter, as well as six new Affiliate Members to the Federation, which will benefit from international visibility and exhibitor benefits at EUROCORR.

And it’s at EUROCORR where the Young EFC will host their 10th annual meeting and present the Best Oral Presentation Awards, as well as a range of activities centred around World Corrosion Awareness Day. This year’s event has big shoes to fill as the organisers of EUROCORR 2023 have recently been honoured as an ambassador for Brussels in a ceremony acknowledging the successful international event.

That’s not all as there’s also space to learn about IOM3’s new Sustainable Future Awards 2024, how the Australasian Corrosion Association have taken industry challenges to the government, and details of the Italian Association of Metallurgy’s eight day course programme, as well as all the latest upcoming events for your corrosion calendar.

All the best and please feel free to get in touch if you have anything that you would like to feature in the next edition,

Dan Mobbs, London
Newsletter Editor

November 2023 (issue 2/2023)

April 2023 (issue 1/2023)
