The University of Ferrara has instituted a gold medal which is to be awarded every two years under the auspices of the European Federation of Corrosion to honour the memory of and the work accomplished by Professor Leo Cavallaro, founder of the Aldo Dacco' Study Centre on Corrosion and Metallurgy of the University of Ferrara, an annexe of the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Ferrara.
Presented in 1965 for the first time, the Cavallaro Medal is awarded to a scientist who is particularly distinguished by his or her activity and publications in the field of corrosion research.
The Cavallaro Medal is presented preferably on the occasion of a European Corrosion Congress (EUROCORR). The laureate is invited to give a lecture related to the work for which the medal was attributed.
Cavallaro Medal 2024

Professor Mikhail Zheludkevich
Presented during the Opening of EUROCORR 2024 in Paris, France, on Monday, 2 September 2024.
> more (EFC Newsletter 2024)
Mikhail Zheludkevich obtained his BSc in Chemistry and his MSc and PhD (Dec. 2002) in Physical Chemistry from the Belarus State University.
Since December 2020 he holds the position of W3 Professor at the Engineering Faculty, University of Kiel, Germany and since January 2021 he is Director of the Institute of Surface Science at the Helmholtz‐Zentrum Hereon in Geestacht, Germany.
He is the Chair of EFC WP22 on Corrosion Control in Aerospace, Specialty Chief Editor of Surface and Interface Engineering in Frontiers in Chemical Engineering and member of the Editorial Board of the following journals: Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, Corrosion Communications, Materials, Corrosion and Materials Degradation.
Cavallaro Medal 2022

Professor Luciano Lazzari
Presented during the Plenary Session of EUROCORR 2022 in Berlin, Germany, on Thursday, 1 September 2022.
Prof. Lazzari has been selected for this EFC distinction for his important contributions in the field of cathodic protection of metallic structures buried in soil or immersed in seawater, the deep analysis of the influence of DC and AC electrical interference, for his studies on stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen embrittlement of low alloyed and stainless steels and for his research in the field of reinforced concrete structures durability, with particular reference to corrosion of steel rebars and its prevention by the use of cathodic prevention and protection.
> more (EFC Newsletter 2022)
Luciano Lazzari obtained MSc degree (1972) in Chemical Engineering from the Politecnico di Milano and held various research and industrial positions at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Electrochemistry and Metallurgy (Politecnico di Milano) and AGIP SpA, (now ENI SpA) as corrosion engineer from 1973 up to 1986.
Since 1985 he has been a teacher by contract in Corrosion and Protection courses at the Politecnico di Milano, where he became associate professor, in 1998, and then full professor, in Material Science and Engineering in 2005. From 2009 to 2016, he has been responsible of the research group PoliLaPP (Laboratory of Corrosion of materials «Pietro Pedeferri»).
In 1994 he co-founded CESCOR Srl, an engineering company active in the field of the material selection, cathodic protection design and inspections.
His impact on both research and industrial applications in corrosion and corrosion protection is reflected in his large scientific publication record, patents and books. Among the latter, is it worth mentioning the book “Cathodic Protection” (2008, PoliPress, Milan) he wrote with Pietro Pedeferri. In 2018, Prof. Lazzari edited the book “Corrosion Science and Engineering” (published by Springer), the English translation of the historical books on corrosion and protection by Pietro Pedeferri, where the science and engineering of corrosion are merged to help readers perform correct corrosion assessments in both the design phase and plant management phase, and to define the optimal protection techniques.
Cavallaro Medal 2020

Professor Fabrizio Zucchi
Presented at the opening session of virtual EUROCORR 2020 in September 2020.
> more (EFC Newsletter No. 27)
In 1968, Fabrizio Zucchi started his University career as a Lecturer in Corrosion and Corrosion Protection of Metals at the University of Ferrara, Italy. From 1980 to 1984 he held the position of full Professor in Chemistry at the Polytechnic of Turin. From 1984 to 2008 he continued in the position of Full Professor, first in Dental Materials within the degree course of Dentistry and from 1991, in Chemistry for Engineering within the degree course of Materials Engineering and then Mechanical Engineering of the University of Ferrara.
Prof. Zucchi has belonged to the ’A. Daccò’ Corrosion Study Centre (now ‘A. Daccò’ Corrosion and Metallurgy Study Centre) of the University of Ferrara since 1960. From 2000 to 2011 he was the Director of the Centre. After his retirement in 2008, he continued to operate dynamically as contract professor with teaching activity at the University of Ferrara, collaborations with the industry and with his scientific activity within the ‘A. Daccò’ Centre until 2016.
From 1998 to 2001, Fabrizio Zucchi was the Chairman of the EFC Working Party "Corrosion and Scale Inhibitors" Working Party (WP1) and Co-Chairman of this WP until 2014.
He was actively involved as co-organiser of the 5-day courses in theory and practice of "Corrosion Inhibitors", sponsored by the Working Party, which was held in1986, 1988, 1993, 1996 and 2001 at DECHEMA, Frankfurt am Main. He has co-organized nine editions of the conference "European Symposia on Corrosion Inhibitors" (SEIC), held at the University of Ferrara from 1960 to 2000 and was the Chair of the 10th SEIC in 2005. These Symposia were one of the most important events in the world, for the dissemination and discussion of scientific topics in the field of corrosion inhibition.
He collaborated at the organization of the "International School of Corrosion", an international school addressed at graduates from developing countries which was held in Ferrara from 1984 to 1988.
He is co-author of more than 200 publications in national / international journals and in books and over 100 publications in conference proceedings.