On the initiative of the Hungarian Corrosion Society (HUNKOR), and supported by the "Kurt Schwabe Foundation" the Kurt Schwabe Prize has been established in honour of the late Professor Kurt Schwabe.
The award, which consists of a medal, a diploma of merit and a sum of 500 EURO, is presented to a young scientist in recognition for his/her scientific, technical and teaching activities achieved on the field of corrosion. Nominees must have less than 13 years of professional experience (incl. PhD) upon time of the EUROCORR. Other candidates may also be considered if there are extraordinary reasons for doing so (extraordinary reasons refer to illness, parental leave or similar circumstances).

Dr. Beatriz Mingo
Awarded at the plenary session of EUROCORR 2024 in Paris, France on Thursday morning, 5 September 2024, followed by a plenary loecture of the Dr. Mingo.
> more (EFC Newsletter August 2024)

Dr. Richard James Barker
Awarded on the occasion of virtual EUROCORR 2021
Dr. Barker gave a Plenary at the virtual EUROCORR 2021 on Friday, 24 September 2021.
> more (EFC Newsletter September 2021)

Dr. Andrea Quaini
Awarded at the opening session of EUROCORR 2018 in Krakow, Poland
> more (EFC Newsletter No. 26, p11)
Thanks to the Hungarian Corrosion Society and to the Jury members, the 2018 Kurt Schwabe Prize is awarded this year to Dr. Andrea Quaini.
Andrea is a young scientist, born in 1987, who has already made significant contributions to the understanding of corrosion in extreme environments. During his PhD thesis, he not only originated excellent tools and procedures based on thermodynamics, but also developed and demonstrated comprehensive mechanisms of the interaction between corium and concrete. Specifically he contributed to the thermodynamic modelling of the U-O-Zr ternary system, particularly the liquid phase that is characterised by the presence of a miscibility gap. He also focused on the high temperature behaviour of the PuO2-UO2-ZrO2 system, which is of interest in the first steps of a severe accident in a pressurised water reactor charged with MOx fuel.
We wish a long and successful career to this young and talented European engineer-researcher.
Previous laureates:
2015 - Dr. Marta MOHEDANO SÁNCHEZ, Spain
2012 - Prof. R. SOLMAZ, Turkey
2009 - Ms. L. MARTINELLI, France
2006 - Dr. T. PROSEK, Czech Republic
2003 - Dr. M.P. RYAN,United Kingdom
2000 - Dr. I. FELHOSI, Hungary