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Calendar of events

19 September - 22 May 2025

Course: Korózny inžinier 2024-2025

Technopark Kralupy and SVÚOM Ltd, Czech Republic

EFC Approved Course EFC Approved Course
31 March - 1 April 2025

3-Länder-Korrosionstagung: Korrosionsthemen in der Stadt der Zukunft

Dübendorf, Switzerland

1 - 3 April 2025

GfKORR course: Application and Utilisation of Protective Coatings for Electronic Assemblies


3 - 4 April 2025

10th International seminar on Climatic Reliability of Electronics: challenges and perspectives

Lyngby, Denmark

EFC Event Event
6 - 10 April 2025

AMPP Annual Conference + Expo 2025

Nashville, TN, USA

14 - 18 April 2025

Course: TECNICO addetto alla Protezione Catodica di strutture metalliche interrate e immerse

Milano, Italy

EFC Approved Course EFC Approved Course
23 - 25 April 2025

Surfaces, Interfaces & Coatings Technologies - SICT 2025

Albufeira, Portugal

24 April 2025

9th Swiss Corrosion Science Day 2025

Lausanne, Switzerland

EFC Event Event No. 530
5 - 9 May 2025

Course: TECNICO SENIOR addetto alla Protezione Catodica di strutture metalliche interrate e immerse

Milano, Italy

EFC Approved Course EFC Approved Course
18 - 22 May 2025

247th ECS Meeting

Montréal, Canada

3 - 5 June 2025

Course: Traitement des eaux industrielles: générateurs de vapeur et circuits de refroidissement – Notions de base (Niveau 1)

Lyon, France

EFC Approved Course EFC Approved Course
9 - 13 June 2025

Course: SPECIALISTA addetto alla Protezione Catodica di strutture metalliche interrate e immerse

Milano, Italy

EFC Approved Course EFC Approved Course
10 - 13 June 2025

PractiCORR 2025

Warsaw, Poland

EFC Event Event No. 523
15 - 19 June 2025

14th Electrochemical methods in corrosion research (EMCR 2025)

San Servolo island, Venice, Italy

EFC Event Event No. 522
17 - 20 June 2025

Euro-MIC industry course

Groningen, The Netherlands

25 - 27 June 2025

Giornate Nazionali Corrosione e Protezione - XV Edizione - GN CORR 2025

Ancona, Italy

EFC Event Event No. 525
14 - 19 July 2025

Summer School "Multifunctional and Smart Coatings for corrosion protection"

Trento, Itay

EFC Event Event No. 527
4 - 6 September 2025

EFC Corrosion Summer School "Challenges of corrosion failure analysis, monitoring and maintenance"

Stavanger, Norway

7 - 11 September 2025


Stavanger, Norway

EFC Event Event No. 520

Organised by the Norwegian Corrosion Society
Scope: The Annual conference of the EFC will cover sessions of all  EFC Working Parties and Task Forces, joint sessions and workshops on hot topics.

7 - 12 September 2025

ISE Annual Meeting 2025

Mainz, Germany

76th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry

22 - 23 September 2025

Course: ADDETTO alla Protezione Catodica di strutture metalliche interrate e immerse

Milano, Italy

EFC Approved Course EFC Approved Course
6 - 10 October 2025

Course: TECNICO addetto alla Protezione Catodica di strutture metalliche interrate e immerse

Milano, Italy

EFC Approved Course EFC Approved Course
12 - 16 October 2025

248th ECS Meeting

Chicago, IL, USA

Autumn Meeting 2025 of  the Electrochemical Society

21 - 23 October 2025

Tribocorrosion 2025

Vienna, Austria

EFC Event Event No. 521
3 - 7 November 2025

9th International Workshop on Long-term Prediction of Corrosion Damage in Nuclear Waste Systems (LTC 2025)

Sendai, Tohoku Region, Japan

EFC Event Event No. 501


2nd Announcement

4 - 6 November 2025

Course: Traitement des eaux industrielles : générateurs de vapeur et circuits de refroidissement – Approfondissement (Niveau 2)

Lyon, France

EFC Approved Course EFC Approved Course
15 - 19 March 2026

AMPP Annual Conference + Expo 2026

Houston, TX, USA


14 - 17 April 2026

PaintExpo 2026

Karlsruhe, Germany


6 - 10 September 2026


Dublin, Ireland

EFC Event Event No. 510

Organised by ICorr and IOM3
Scope: The Annual conference of the EFC will cover sessions of all  EFC Working Parties and Task Forces, joint sessions and workshops on hot topics.

6 - 11 September 2026

ISE Annual Meeting 2026

Sydney, Australia

77th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry

11 - 15 April 2027

AMPP Annual Conference + Expo 2027

Columbus, OH, USA

5 - 10 September 2027

ISE Annual Meeting 2027

Glasgow, UK

78th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry

12 - 16 September 2027


Prague, Czech Republic

EFC Event Event

Organised by AKI
Scope: The Annual conference of the EFC will cover sessions of all  EFC Working Parties and Task Forces, joint sessions and workshops on hot topics.