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EFC Working Party 1: Corrosion and Scale Inhibition

Welcome to the website of the Working Party on Corrosion and Scale Inhibition.

Working Party Activities


Intensive Course on Corrosion and Scale Inhibition

Iserlohn, Germany, 18-20 February 2025  (EFC Event No. 519)

The course summarises the present-day knowledge in theory, testing and application of corrosion and scale inhibitors. The emphasis is on application in selected technical fields and discussion of environmental aspects. One focus is on explaining basic principles of registration of inhibitor chemicals within the European REACH regulation.


Business Meeting at EUROCORR

Based on short presentations and oral contributions burning questions and actual developments in corrosion and scale inhibition was discussed. We want to initiate open and controversial discussions between the participants.

Current hot topics are:

  • Is green really green? Or what does green mean?
  • How can innovation survive despite of regulatory pressure?
  • How can academia better understand the needs of industry?
  • How could natural based materials find the way to commercialisation?
  • Is there enough mutual understanding between acedemia and industry?
  • What are the challenges related to the rapidly changing energy market?

We started the discussions during the last WP1 Business Meeting and intend to continue. 

Get involved!

If you wish get involved with EFC and the activities of the Working Party please click here to register!

What we are

The Working Party 1 "Corrosion and Scale Inhibition" is an informal group of researchers from academia and industry under the umbrella of the European Federation of Corrosion to discuss current topics of concern within the context of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition. The working party is open for all individuals involved in research and application of corrosion and scale inhibitors.  We encourage all to get involved and register.

We use the annual EUROCORR conference for our working party meeting, the Business Meeting, generally held within or after the WP1 lecture sessions. The business meeting is organised and moderated by the Chair. The minutes of the Business Meeting will be made available via the EFC Hub (efc.solved.fi) to the registered working party members


WP1 is the platform and forum for all aspects of corrosion inhibition and scale inhibition in all kinds of industrial application:

  • from basic understanding of protection mechanisms to science-based modelling,
  • from compound selection for specific services to appropriate application modes,
  • from investigation methods and fitness-for-purpose testing to online monitoring,
  • from environmental concerns to legal aspects.

Corrosion and scale inhibition is an issue in many industrial branches. Therefore, WP1 cooperates with many other EFC working parties and organises joint sessions at EUROCORR conferences and international courses on this subject. Present activities aim at

  • validation of measuring systems for monitoring the performance of corrosion and scale inhibitors in the oil & gas industry, refineries, cooling water treatment, hydraulic fluids, metal treatment fluids and other applications,
  • addressing the challenges of renewable energies, e.g. green hydrogen or geothermal
  • standardization of inhibitor performance testing in cooperation with ASTM, CEN, ISO, NACE,
  • reviewing the potential of environmentally friendly inorganic and organic inhibitors
  • identifying fields for future research and development,
  • fostering networking between academia and industry
  • fostering networking between R&D labs for cooperation in European research programmes.




Working Party Journal

The "International Journal for Corrosion and Scale Inhibition" (IJCSI; website: www.ijcsi.pro) is the official Journal of EFC WP1. Interested authors are welcome to submit their research work or reviews on specific subjects. The journal will be used for networking and information exchange on corrosion and scale inhibition matters including announcements of conferences, courses, new research issues, etc.  We encourage all researchers and applicants in this exciting field of materials and asset protection to get involved.


Previous Activities


Business Meeting at EUROCORR 2023

Based on short presentations and oral contributions burning questions and actual developments in corrosion and scale inhibition was discussed. We want to initiate open and controversial discussions between the participants. Current hot topics are:

  • Is green really green? Or what does green mean?
  • How can innovation survive despite of regulatory pressure?
  • How can academia better understand the needs of industry?
  • How could natural based materials find the way to commercialisation?
  • Is there enough mutual understanding between acedemia and industry?
  • What are the challenges related to the rapidly changing energy market?

We started the discussions during the last WP1 Business Meeting and intend to continue.

Further Highlights:

  • Presentation of the EFC Hub as exchange platform to the participants. It is freely accessible for members and interested researchers after registration.
  • Recent event: Intensive course on “Corrosion and Scale Inhibition – Theory, Testing, Application”, held in November 2023 - see the "Previous Activities" tab.

Working Party Reports



Intensive Course on Corrosion and Scale Inhibition - Theory, Testing, Application
21-23 November 2023, Iserlohn, Germany
PDF programme flyer

Virtual two days Intensive Course on Corrosion and Scaling – Theory, Testing, Application (EFC-Event-No. 482)
9-10 November 2021

2-days Intensive Course on Corrosion and Scale Inhibition - Theory, Testing, Application (EFC-Event-No. 456)
18 – 20 February 2020