Homepage / Scientific Groups / WP5: Environment Sensitive Fracture

EFC Working Party 5: Environment Sensitive Fracture

Welcome to the website of the Working Party on
Environment Sensitive Fracture.

Current Activities



7-11 September 2025, Stavanger, Norway

WP Session on Environment Sensitive Fracture

The key objective of this year’s EFC WP5 session on Environment Sensitive Fracture is to bring together talks about environmental fractures, cracks and failure modes. The forum will provide a joint platform for the corrosion, metallurgy and fracture mechanics community, to discuss our current understanding, address recent advances, and introduce novel techniques and approaches to prevent environmentally assisted cracking. This also includes all aspects addressing the effect of material- and microstructure condition, stress/strain, and exposure parameters on environment-related fracture and failure modes.

Business Meeting

Next Business Meeting at the upcoming EUROCORR.


Get involved!

If you wish get involved with EFC and the activities of the Working Party please click here to register!

Mission / Objective

WP5's overall objective is to bring together scientists and engineers encountering the problem of crack initiation and propagation in different application fields including nuclear, petrochemical and aeronautical industries. In such environments fracture often results from a simultaneous action of mechanical loading and aggressive environment which can be either water or hydrogen or reactive gases or even more specific like liquid metal. The common feature requested for accurate prediction of the remaining lifetime is the need to understand the mechanisms of crack initiation and crack propagation.

WP5 specific missions concern the fields of hydrogen induced cracking, stress corrosion cracking, fatigue-corrosion, high temperature corrosion and liquid metal embrittlement and are aimed at

  • confronting physico-chemical and mechanical approaches in modelling environment sensitive fracture,
  • promoting the use of advanced local investigation methods (AFM, EBSD, Auger/XPS, nanomechanical testing) for submicrometer range description of crack initiation sites and crack-tip characteristics and
  • promoting the use of numerical simulations based on multiscale physical approach.
  • contributing to the definition of recommendations through joint sessions with colleagues from different application fields.

WP 5 overall objective and specific missions - since EUROCORR 2010, 14 September 2010, Moscow, Russia