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EFCE Working Party 9: Marine Corrosion

Welcome to the website of the Working Party on Marine Corrosion.

Current Activities

Business Meeting

Next Business Meeting at the upcoming EUROCORR in Paris.


  • Arrange a Marine Corrosion session at EUROCORR each year

  • Arrange, in collaboration with WP10, a joint session at EUROCORR each year. This joint session, recently renamed ”Microbial corrosion and biofouling issues in marine environments”, deals with both biocorrosion and biofouling issues.

  • Arrange, in collaboration with WP16, a joint session ”Cathodic protection in marine environments”  at EUROCORR each year.

  • Initiate work on new publications in the area of Marine Corrosion

Recent publications

Collection of articles on “Marine Corrosion” in “npj Materials Degradation” (Open Access)
link: https://www.nature.com/collections/dcgfiebacf


Get involved!

If you wish get involved with EFC and the activities of the Working Party please click here to register!


Mission / Objectives


The objectives of the Working Party can be defined as follows:

  • to provide engineers, designers and materials specialists with information related to the use of materials in the marine environment;
  • to act as or to create a platform for discussion by authorities from industry and academic institutions on materials aspects of marine corrosion;
  • to identify and to define areas in which information is not up-to-date or not available in the required form;
  • to identify areas in which research and development is required;
  • to establish and maintain contacts with other workers in the same area and either co-operate with them or avoid duplication of activities.

In order to meet the objectives of the Working Party the following working methods have been decided to be used in the Working Party.

  • Organize and participate in Workshops, Seminars and Conferences
  • Prepare guidelines on all aspects of marine corrosion
  • To either carry out research or simulate others to do so in areas where a lack of scientific knowledge has been shown to exist.