Annual Meeting at Eurocorr23 in Bruxelles
There was an awesome turnout at our 9th annual meeting on Tuesday evening, August 29th during Eurocorr23 with more than 100 early career corrosionists present.
Our annual meetings have demonstrated strong engagement of young (or young at heart) professionals with an increasing number of participants each year. This is also reflected in the YEFC community that now counts more than 490 members as well as in the EFC account on LinkedIn (>3.6 k followers).
YEFC networking event during the EFC corrosion summer school
The Corrosion Summer School was organized by Eurocorr 2023 local organizers and took place a few days before Eurocorr23 at Vrije Universiteit Brussel. On the Saturday, participants enjoyed a beer tasting in the heart of Brussels and the YEFC wishes to raise a glass to all participants on an enjoyable evening
YEFC plenary lecture
Viacheslav (Slava) Shkirskiy (ITODYS, Université Paris Cité, France) was selected as YEFC plenarist by a jury (YEFC board members + 7 external jury members) based on a 3 minute video presentation about his research. His plenary lecture on “Unsupervised Discovery of Corrosion Mechanisms by Optical Microscopies” provided insights and challenges of advanced multi-microscopy methods using machine learning algorithms.
Best oral presentation awards
Eleven early-career corrosionists were preselected for the final of the best oral presentation competition, based on their topics and a 3 min video. Ricardo Biella (TU Delft, Netherlands) and Johanna-Maria Frenck (University of Kassel, Germany) were awarded the best oral presentation prizes but all candidates demonstrate outstanding presentation skills.
The YEFC would like to thank all jury members for their support and the Materials Institute of UMons (Belgium) for donating the awards.

Annual Meeting at Eurocorr22 in Berlin
The 8th annual meeting of the Young EFC took place on Monday evening, August 29th, during Eurocorr2022. We were delighted that so many early career corrosionists showed up with more than 80 attendants! We thank the new generation of corrosionists for showing keen engagement and commitment to the YEFC activities.
We are also grateful to Dean Ferguson, Board Chair of The Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA) to have accepted our invitation to present the activities of the ACA. We hope it will provide new opportunities for future initiatives and collaborations between the ACA and the YEFC

2020 & 2021
The young EFC annual meeting took place online in conjunction with virtual Eurocorr2020 and Eurocorr2021. It was great to be able to virtually meet and discuss all the initiatives organized by the young EFC.
We were also very happy to have Danny Burke introduing iCorr and Young iCorr.
The annual Young EFC Meeting took place on September 10th, 2019, in the frame of the EUROCORR 2019 Conference in Seville (Spain). The meeting was attended by about 80 participants, mainly PhD students, post-doc research fellows and young scientists at the early stage of their carrier in the industry. The meeting has proved to be a platform for corrosionists at the early stage of their careers to interact with the senior scientists coming from both academia and industry.
Thanks a lot to all the winners of the EUROCORR Young Scientist Grant 2019, Mrs. Darya Rudomilova (University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic), Mr. Paul Johan Denissen (Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands) and Mr. Leonardo Iannucci (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)….they presented their experience abroad as visiting PhD students financially supported by the prize from EFC.
Thanks a lot to Dr. Dirk L Engelberg, (The University of Manchester, UK) and Dr. Ulf Kivisäkk, (Sandvik Materials Technology, Sweden) for inspiring the young scientists by sharing their professional and personal experience.
Thanks to Marlene Silva from Elsevier! She brought to the stage the Editorial/Advisory board of Corrosion Science journal. They provided the audience with useful suggestions for properly preparing a manuscript to be submitted to Corrosion Science and they shared their vision and approach to handle and manage the submissions.
Special thanks to all the young attendees of the meeting! You are the most important part of Young EFC!
The Young EFC Meeting 2018 (Kracow, 10th Sept 2018) was attended by about 70 participants, mainly PhD students, post-doc research fellows and young scientists at the early stage of their carrier in the industry.
Dear Friends!
We are glad to have welcomed you to our meeting in Prague at the EUROCORR 2017 conference. We received both very positive feedback and constructive criticism from you and would like to thank you very much! The Young EFC board has come up with a lot of activities in Prague which have conferred the conference a beautiful colour. For example, the Young EFC was involved in the jury of the overall poster prize competition. We are shaping things to become ‘young’ and will continue to promote young corrosion researchers.
More than 50 people participated in our meeting during the conference in which we had the opportunity to meet a lot of young corrosion researchers and some senior experts, such as Prof Christofer Leygraf and Dr Sytze Huizinga who support us in becoming a bridge between senior professionals and young corrosionists.
We congratulate Beatriz Mingo Roman, Elisabetta Di Francia, and Baiwei Zhu who received the EFC Young Scientist Grant of the last year! Many thanks to them for presenting their work which certainly has encouraged many other young corrosion scientists and engineers to apply for this grant in future.
Launching of the Young EFC
The first meeting of the Young EFC was held at EUROCORR2016 (Montpellier, France) and aroused great interest in the audience.
It was attended by more than 40 participants who actively interacted with the Young EFC Board, rising a constructive debate about the situation of young researchers and engineers in the corrosion field. It was highlighted the common interested in a network of young corrosionists and the improvement of knowledge exchange between young corrosion researchers and senior experts.
The main objective of the meeting was to gather information with the aim to design new actions for a successful young generation of corrosionists. Supported by the EFC, the next EUROCORR2017 (Prague, Czech Republic) will be the place to start with some of those activities.