Honorary Members
The General Assembly may confer the title of Honorary Member on any individual having made, in the opinion of the Board of Administrators, a particular contribution to the achievement of the aims of the EFC. (Article 8 of the EFC Statutes)

On the occasion of EUROCORR 2011 in Stockholm, Sweden, Honorary Membership of the Federation will be granted to
(†26 June 2012)
Chilworth, Surrey, United Kingdom
for his role in the development of corrosion science and technology across Europe through his commitment to the Federation as its Scientific Secretary for fourteen years and for his overall contribution to international friendship and understanding.

On the occasion of EUROCORR 2009, Nice, France, Honorary Membership of the Federation was granted to
(†5 February 2017)
Follainville, France
for his role payed in the development of corrosion science and technology across Europe through his commitment for over more than forty years to the Federation and his contribution to international friendship and understanding.
Further exceptional persons to whom Honorary Membership of the EFC has been awarded:
Prof. GIORDANO TRABANELLI, Italy (2003) (†31 October 2014)
Honorary Membership was granted to Prof. Trabanelli in recognition of his tremendous contribution to the field of inhibition, in particular as Chairman of EFC WP1 on Corrosion and Scale Inhibition and as the organiser of nine European Symposia of Corrosion Inhibitors in Ferrara at five-yearly intervals between 1960 and 2000.
Prof. HANS J. GRABKE, Germany (2001)
Dr-Ing. ANDRE L. SABOZ, Switzerland (1989)
Dr. DAVID SHARP, United Kingdom (1989)