The Honorary grade of EFC Fellow is awarded to any individual of an EFC Member Society (European or International) for outstanding accomplishment in any one of the areas of corrosion science and engineering and outstanding commitment to the European Federation of Corrosion and its committees and the support of its mission and activities.
The Honorary Fellowship of the EFC is awarded at the European Corrosion Congress (EUROCORR) or whenever the EFC Board of Administrators (BoA) shall so determine. The recipient will be awarded with a certificate presented by the President of the EFC or by the Chairman of the Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC).
Honorary FellowS 2024

Mr. Theo Hack
Presented during the Opening Session of the EUROCORR 2024 on Monday, 2 September 2024.
> more (EFC Newsletter August 2024)

Prof. Francois Ropital
Presented during the Opening Session of the EUROCORR 2024 on Monday, 2 September 2024.
> more (EFC Newsletter August 2024)

Dr. Jörg A. Vogelsang
Presented during the Opening Session of the EUROCORR 2024 on Monday, 2 September 2024.
> more (EFC Newsletter August 2024)
Honorary FellowS 2023

Prof. Wolfram Fürbeth
Presented during the Opening Session of the EUROCORR 2023 on Monday, 28 August 2023.
> more (EFC Newsletter August 2023)

Prof. Steve Paterson
Presented during the Opening Session of the EUROCORR 2023 on Monday, 28 August 2023.
> more (EFC Newsletter August 2023)
Honorary FellowS 2022
Prof. Juan J. de Damborenea
Presented during the Opening Session of the EUROCORR 2022 on Monday, 29 August 2022.
> more (EFC Newsletter August 2022)

Prof. Agnieszka Królikowska
Presented during the Opening Session of the EUROCORR 2022 on Monday, 29 August 2022.
> more (EFC Newsletter August 2022)

Dr. Douglas Mills
Presented during the Opening Session of the EUROCORR 2022 on Monday, 29 August 2022.
> more (EFC Newsletter August 2022)
Honorary FellowS 2021

Prof. Damien Féron
Presented during the Opening Session of the virtual EUROCORR 2021 on Monday, 20 September 2021
> more (EFC Newsletter September 2021)

Prof. Xiaogang LI
Presented during the Opening Session of the virtual EUROCORR 2021 on Monday, 20 September 2021
> more (EFC Newsletter September 2021)
Honorary Fellow 2020

Philippe Dillmann obtained is Engineering degree in 1994 and his PhD in 1998 from the Technical University of Compiègne, France. In 1999 he joined CNRS and more specifically Pierre Süe Laboratory (LPS), a joint unit CEA/CNRS, where he quickly created a group called "Archaeomaterials and Prediction of Alteration" which he led and which in 2005 became the Archaeomaterial Laboratory and Alteration Prediction (LAPA), a laboratory within NIMBE (Nanosciences and Innovation for Materials, Biomedicine and Energy). He currently holds the position of Vice-Director of the IRAMAT (Institut de Recherche sur les ArchéoMATériaux) a CEA/CNRS. During these years, he continued and extended his original approach linking corrosion and heritage conservation. His obvious desire for openness to the outside world is expressed by the numerous national and international collaborations. He not only greatly developed knowledge about the corrosion phenomena of ancient, historical and archaeological metal objects, but he also created a real European school specific to the behaviour and alteration of these historical or archaeological metal objects, of which the laboratory he directs is a major player. Its positioning at the interfaces between corrosion, metallurgy, archaeology and history is the other originality of his research.
Honorary FellowS 2019
Dr. Ulf Kivisäkk
Presented during the Opening Session of EUROCORR 2019 in Seville, Spain, on 9th September 2019
Ulf Kivisäkk studied for an M.Sc in Materials Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) from 1988 to 1994, Teknologie Licentiat in Corrosion Science from 2002 to 2003 and received his PhD in Corrosion Science from the same institution in 2010. He has worked as a Researcher at the Swedish Corrosion Institute (1994 - 1998) and in various positions at AB Sandvik Materials Technology since 1998. He is presently Senior Expert on Corrosion Resistant Alloys.
His research activities are focused on corrosion prevention and control of stainless steels in various environments including seawaters, natural environments and industrial environments for various applications, e.g. energy production (including oil and gas), storage and transport facilities and corrosion monitoring systems. Dr Kivisäkk is a recognized expert in his field and has been involved for more than 30 years in corrosion of stainless steels at international levels, leading research programs, applications of stainless, steels and corrosion failure analyses. During his career and after, he has been committed to the dissemination of knowledge and good practices for stainless steels to ensure corrosion control, durability and safety of the equipment.
He was recipient of the 2017 Paul McIntyre Award from the Institute of Corrosion, UK.
Dr Ulf Kivisäkk has been the chairman of the EFC Working Party on Marine Corrosion (WP9) for 13 years (2004 - 2017), during which time he significantly promoted the Working Party by editing EFC "green" books, by increasing attendance levels at the EUROCORR Marine Corrosion sessions and by proposing joint sessions between several WPs.
His key positions in the development of ISO standards have also increased the international influence of EFC. He has occupied positions such as project leader, nominated Swedish expert, secretary, chair, vice chair and member, in the following committees: ISO 15156 Maintenance Panel, ISO TC 67 WG 7, ISO 15156 and ISO TC 67 WG 8. He has also provided a link between the EFC and NACE (TG 299).
Dr Ulf Kivisäkk has clearly made outstanding accomplishments in the areas of corrosion science and engineering along with outstanding commitments to the EFC in support of its mission and activities.

Marchel Roche
Presented during the Opening Session of EUROCORR 2019 in Seville, Spain, on 9th September 2019
Marcel Roche has received degrees in Chemical Engineering (INSA-Lyon, 1967) and Refining and Chemical Engineering (ENSPM, 1968). He worked as a corrosion engineer at Technip Engineering and then at the Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine (SNEA(P)) for a total of 17 years before becoming Head of Inspection at the Corrosion-Treatments Department of Elf Gabon, Port-Gentil in 1987. He has since been Head of the Corrosion Department at Elf Aquitaine Group and in the Technology Division of Total, where he functioned as Corrosion Expert until his retirement in July 2008.
Marcel has been a founding member of the Conseil Français de la Protection Cathodique within the French corrosion society CEFRACOR (Centre Français de l’Anticorrosion). He is past Chairman of the Cathodic Protection and Associated Coatings Committee of CEFRACOR and organiser of the CEFRACOR Aix-en-Provence Seminars in 1999, 2003, 2006 and 2011. He was also Chairman of A05L, the Cathodic Protection Standardization Committee of AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation) until 2013 and subsequently coordinator of the Cathodic Protection topics in the new Standardization Committee A05G - Corrosion and protection of metallic materials - Metallic and inorganic coatings.
He has been involved in the EFC from the beginning as the first chair of Working Party 16 on Cathodic Protection. He was a Member of the Board of Administrators of the EFC, representing France until the end of 2015 and on the board of CEFRACOR since 2016.
Marcel Roche also played a key role in the development of the European standard on the competence levels and certification of cathodic protection personnel (EN 15257). He is a member of NACE International, ISO TC156 WG10, CEN TC219 WG1 for Land applications and WG3 for Marine applications, ISO TC67 SC2 WG11 for Pipelines. He was Project Leader of the standardization working group for pipeline field joint coatings (ISO TC67 SC2 WG14-3) from its inauguration in 2002 until 2015. He was convenor of CEN TC WG3 "Cathodic Protection of metallic structures in sea water" until 2015.
During his career and after, Marcel Roche has been committed to the dissemination of knowledge and good practice in the field of cathodic protection to ensure corrosion control, durability of the structures and the safety of users. He has been involved in numerous corrosion training courses, has organised and presented at a large number of conferences and meetings in his field. He has been dedicated to cathodic protection, taking many initiatives to develop new projects involving the best experts in the field, while including the younger generations.

Dr. Liane Margaret Smith
Presented during the Opening Session of EUROCORR 2019 in Seville, Spain, on 9th September 2019.
Liane Smith received her MA in Physical Sciences from the University of Cambridge in 1981 and her PhD in Laser Welding from the University of Sheffield in 1984. Her research interests and activities include materials selection for use in oil and gas production systems; high-strength materials performance in aggressive environments; integrity management (especially in oil and gas production wells); the design and execution of a digital expert system for materials selection and corrosion performance. She has also been active in facilitating knowledge transfer from university-based research into both small enterprises and major engineering projects.
After working with the Shell Petroleum Corporation in the UK and the Netherlands (1981 - 91), Liane founded Intetech Ltd., a small UK-based materials and corrosion consultancy which grew from one employee in 2004 to 28 employees in 2013. When Intetech Ltd. was acquired by Wood Group in May 2013, she became responsible for the management and development of the international Wood Group activities in the fields of well integrity management, materials and corrosion engineering, asset integrity engineering software products and risk engineering. In 2018, she founded a consultancy, innovation support and litigation company for digital transformation in corrosion and materials engineering design and operations.
Dr Liane Smith also has a long history of active participation in the technical activities of the EFC, the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (UK) and NACE (USA). She was founding Chair of the EFC Working Party 13 on Corrosion in oil and gas production, quickly establishing four working groups addressing sour service limitations of CRAs, SSC of carbon and low alloy steels, stepwise cracking of carbon and low alloy steels, and MIC in oil and gas production. A fifth working group on Inhibition of CO2 corrosion followed shortly afterwards and WP 13 rapidly grew to become the largest in the EFC with over 200 members. Liane’s technical insight and management acumen guaranteed the continuing international standing and success of WP 13.
She has previously been made an Honorary Life Fellow of the Institute of Corrosion (2001); Fellow of the Welding Institute (2005); Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (2009); Fellow of NACE (2009) and Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, UK (2011). In 2012 she received the Queens Award for Innovation.
Honorary Fellow 2018

Don Harrop
Awarded by the EFC President at the opening session of EUROCORR 2018 in Krakow.
Don has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the activities of the EFC over a period of 30 years. In 1991 he was a driving force behind the creation of Working Party 13 (Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production) and has remained an active member ever since. He served on the Board of Administrators from 1999 until 2014 and has been an elected member of the STAC since 2008. He served as EFC President for two years (2002/03), during which time his major achievement was the historic signing of a cooperation agreement between the EFC and NACE.
Throughout this time Don has shown full commitment to the ethos and objectives of the EFC, in particular by fostering a spirit of broader collaboration with other organisations. He has delivered significant benefit and impact to the EFC in a wide range of roles and is a very worthy recipient of an Honorary Fellowship.
> more (EFC Newsletter No. 26, p10)
Honorary Fellows 2017
Professor Pier Luigi Bonora, Italy
Professor Michael Schütze, Germany
The EFC Honorary Fellowship was presented at the opening session of the joint EUROCORR 2017 & 20th International Corrosion Congress & Process Safety Congress 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic.
> more (EFC Newsletter No 25, p8 and 9)
Honorary Fellow 2015
Professor Antoine Pourbaix, Belgium
The EFC Honorary Fellowship was presented at EUROCORR 2015’s opening session in Graz, Austria.
> more (EFC Newsletter No 23, p6)