Homepage / Scientific Groups / WP14: Coatings

EFC Working Party 14: Coatings

Welcome to the website of the EFC Working Party on Coatings.

Current Activities

Coatings Summer School 2025-Flyer-draft

Summer School:
Mulitfunctional and Smart Coatings for Corrosion Protection

14-18 July 2025, Trento, Italy


Corrosion, surface modification, metallic/ organic /inorganic coatings, AC/DC
electrochemical techniques, electrochemical noise, localized electrochemical
techniques, surface analysis, poster session

Audience: PhD students and early post-docs

Registration fee: 250 EUR

Application deadline: 15 March 2025

Click on the image for details and to sign up!


Business Meeting

Next Business Meeting at the upcoming EUROCORR


AETOC Workshop series

The AETOC workshop deals with all the topics related to recent developments in the application of electrochemical techniques to the study and monitoring of organic coatings, as well as novel hybrid (i/o) sol-gel and composite coatings with self-healing and protective properties.

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Get involved!

If you wish get involved with EFC and the activities of the Working Party please click here to register!



The Working Party on Coatings focusses on all aspects of research on coatings for corrosion protection. We organise the largest session of EUROCORR year by year usually being divided into sub-sessions on metallic, inorganic and organic coatings as well as on pretreatments or self-healing coating systems. Also physico-chemical methods for corrosion investigations on coatings play a major role as revealed by the AETOC workshop being organised every two years by working party members. Another important task is to promote cooperation between WP members in the frame of European research projects.


Main objectives for the next three years:

  • Participation and co-operation in the organisation of sessions and joint sessions during the next EUROCORR events;
  • Close partnerships with other WPs, e.g. WPs on Aerospace, Automotive or Atmospheric Corrosion in order to cover and consider the maximum possible range of coatings;
  • Assistance to and coordination of standardizing activities in the field of use of electrochemical techniques to study organic and inorganic coatings;
  • Continuation of the series of workshops on "Application of Electrochemical Techniques to Organic Coatings (AETOC)" to be held next time in 2021/2022 near Trento, Italy;
  • Co-operation with ETCC, CoSi and other conferences dealing with coatings;
  • Promoting a coordinated participation to European Projects dealing with materials durability;
  • Publication of technical books on coatings for corrosion protection.


International Workshop "Application of Electrochemical Techniques to Organic Coatings" (AETOC)

Working Party 14 Event series



Previous events in the series



Previous Activities


EFC Webinar on „Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings”

Keeping the community together is an important issue for the EFC in these present times. As physical meetings are more or less impossible this year, EFC has decided to enter the virtual world by establishing a series of webinars. The first one in this series took place on 20th May focussing on “Corrosion Protection by Organic Coatings”. After the opening by Wolfram Fürbeth as Chairman of the EFC Working Party “Coatings”, the following four presentations on current research in the field were given:

  • Steel corrosion protection using post-consumer polyethylene terephthalate coatings (Michele Fedel, University of Trento)
  • Parallel EIS and IR measurements to study formation and destruction of interfacial bonds between polymers and metal oxides (Herman Terryn, Vrije Universiteit Brussels)
  • Mapping the Transport Channels in an Epoxy Coating with AFM-IR (Simon Gibbon, Akzo Nobel)
  • Effect of surface chemistry on the bonding mechanisms, strength and durability in steel-epoxy adhesive bonds (Jost van Dam, TU Delft)

More than 600 participants followed the presentations online during the 90 minute webinar and they learnt about new approaches concerning the application of organic coatings. Lively discussions followed each presentation making the first EFC webinar a great success.

Programme and Presentations


Minutes of WP meetings